The comparison between Lausanne 2015 and Munich 1938 lets Iran off lightly, as Germany at the time wasn’t calling for ‘Death to the Jews’.
The comparison between Lausanne 2015 and Munich 1938 lets Iran off lightly. Because Germany at the time, despite being a dark country, wasn’t calling for “Death to England” or “Death to the Jews.” It wasn’t in control at that stage of four European countries. The Iran of today, however, has been singing its genocidal mantra for years. It preaches and strives for the destruction of the State of Israel. And many, too many, simply don’t want to listen.
The Iran of today, however, has been singing its genocidal mantra for years. It preaches and strives for the destruction of the State of Israel. And many, too many, simply don’t want to listen.
A few years ago, a leading US newspaper, the Washington Post, conducted a discussion on the question: Did the Iranian leader call for wiping Israel off the map? The arguments raised spoke of mistranslation and other nonsense. The discussion ended. The question marks were erased. The cries of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel “are sounded again and again, with ecstatic fervor, on all levels and by the masses.
Just recently, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei himself joined the masses in calling for “Death to America.” The Houthis, Iran’s affiliates in Yemen, have a flag bearing the words “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.” And a senior Iranian official, Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the head of the Basij militia unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, again made it clear on Iranian state television, two days before the agreement was signed, that “wiping Israel off the map is non-negotiable.”
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei himself joined the masses in calling for “Death to America.” The Houthis, Iran’s affiliates in Yemen, have a flag bearing the words “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”
Are these statements only made for show? As we speak, Iran continues to equip Hezbollah with far more precise weapons, with the purpose of causing much greater damage to Israel. This is the same Iran that is being choked by sanctions. This is the same Iran whose economy is teetering. But nothing is as important as the ultimate goal – of the warmongering and the destruction of the State of Israel.
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